


  • The college library shall remain open to the students and staff
  • Monday to Friday – 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM
  • Saturday (Except Second Saturday) – 9.30 AM to 4.30 PM


  • It is obligatory for students to always have their College Identity Card and library membership card with them in the library and present while checking in/out books.
  • The library urges all patrons to keep quiet and behave appropriately.
  • The Users should enter name, course, semester, time-in and time-out in the library register.
  • Personal items, including bags and printed materials, folders, diaries, etc. are not permitted within the library and should be stored at the personal property counter.
  • The use of mobile phones and audio devices, whether equipped with speakers or headphones, is forbidden within the premises of the library.
  • Under Graduate students are allowed to borrow three books at once, whereas Post Graduate students can borrow five books.
  • Teaching staff can borrow 610 books and non-teaching staff can borrow 3 books at a time.
  • Each book is issued for a period of 14 days for students and 30 days for teaching staffs.
  • Absence from the college will not be admitted as an excuse for the delay in returning books.
  • Books which are not in demand can be renewed. Delay in returning a book after the due date will entail a fine of one rupee per day.
  • Books are to be used with great care. Date label, spine label, Book pocket etc. pasted inside the books should not be tampered with.
  • Replacing of books on shelves by members are not encouraged as it may undo the classified sequence.
  • The borrowing facility can be withdrawn or restricted in case of misbehaviour or misuse of the library.
  • Mutilation and theft of library materials are offences punishable by law and appropriate action will be taken.
  • All library fines must be paid completely on time .time.
  • The principal shall have absolute discretion regarding administration and modification of the rules.