1. Students must conduct themselves with dignity and courtesy both on and off campus, and they must be respectful to the staff.
  2. College uniforms and ID cards are compulsory for all students to enter the campus on all working days including days of examinations and special classes.
  3. Usage of mobile phones is strictly restricted inside the campus; violation will be treated as a breach of conduct.
  4. ICT resources and facilities are provided for academic purposes only; it is not permitted to misuse them.
  5. Students should refrain from engaging in inappropriate behaviour on digital platforms that jeopardises the respectful relationship among students and faculties, and the institution's reputation.
  6. Students shall park their two-wheelers in designated spots and are not allowed to bring four-wheel vehicles onto campus.
  7. Students are prohibited from engaging in anti-national, anti-social, anti-institutional, communal and unethical activities.
  8. Any kind of disturbing behaviour or causing damages/destruction to the college amenities/assets is offensive and lead to disciplinary action; cost of such properties will be recovered from the student(s) concerned.
  9. Political activities are banned in the campus by rule (vide: W.A.No.535 of 2003 –judgement dt 26/5/03) of the Honourable High Court of Kerala. Students should not resort to Gheraos, Bandh, Harthal and any sort of violence within the campus.
  10. Students are strictly prohibited from organizing, attending or participating in any unauthorised activity or agitation inside the campus.
  11. Unauthorised entry of outsiders into the campus is strictly prohibited.
  12. Students should not bring, distribute or circulate any notice, pamphlet, etc. within the campus. The possession, exhibition and distribution of any such objects within the campus is actionable offence.
  13. Nobody shall exhibit any type of banners, flags, boards etc. inside the campus.
  14. All types of ragging within or outside the campus is strictly prohibited under the provisions of Kerala Prohibition of Raging Act 1998 and the order of University of Calicut, any incident of such nature will be reported to the police.
  15. Students shall pay the semester fees within 15 days after the commencement of each semester.
  16. Students are not permitted to solicit or coerce money from others on campus.
  17. Students are not permitted to enter or leave the classroom when the session is on, without the consent of the teacher.
  18. Students shall not enter classrooms other than their own and are not allowed to loiter outside classrooms during class hours.
  19. Students are not permitted to leave campus during academic hours unless the department head has granted prior permission.
  20. Students shall utilise the grievance and redressal cell and suggestion box inside the campus for their concerns.
  21. Students who are suspended or facing criminal charges are not permitted to enter the college campus without the principal's approval.
  22. The possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and any narcotic substance on the college premises is prohibited; students found using drugs or liquor will be dismissed.
  23. Students should adhere to standards of decency in their attire, cultural programmes, celebrations, and other activities.
  24. Possession and use of fireworks or such hazardous materials is prohibited on the campus.
  25. The decision of the principal against disciplinary action shall be final.
  26. Students are obligated to keep the campus clean by following waste management practices.
  27. The students should peruse the notices posted on the notice board daily.
  28. Students should inform their parents, of any relevant college notices.
  29. The Principal shall have the power to declare holiday for the College when the situation demands.


  1. Regular classes are held from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm, Monday to Friday, and can be altered by the principal depending on the academic needs.
  2. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of every hour. Late comers should enter class only with the permission of the class teacher.
  3. If a student is absent for one hour, it will be treated as absence for half a day.
  4. A student who is continuously absent for 14 days without sufficient reason and proper intimation to the Principal of the college shall be removed from the roll.
  5. No student shall be absent from the class without applying for leave. If a student requires leave for personal reasons, he/she must obtain it from the Head of the concerned Department.
  6. Eligibility for exam registration and Condonation schemes are solely depend on the regulations of the University of Calicut.
  7. Application for sick leave must be supported by Medical Certificate issued by a competent authority.
  8. Absence of a student on any day shall be with prior intimation to the tutor through a leave application countersigned by the parent.
  9. Students who wish to participate in club activities should obtain permission from the coordinator and provide it to the class advisor.
  10. Students participating in the Physical Education, Co-curricular and College Union activities should claim their attendance through concerned faculty in charge, not later than 3 days after the event.


  1. Candidates are advised to take their allotted seats in the examination hall at least five minutes before the time fixed for the commencement of examination. 
  1. Candidates shall not remain on the veranda or anywhere near the examination hall after the bell for commencement of examination.
  1. Before entering the hall, they should deposit all books, and other papers outside the hall and make sure that notes or other materials are not in their pockets or anywhere else on them. 
  1. Strict silence should be maintained in the examination hall. 
  1. Candidates should enter the hall with the Hall Tickets. 
  1. The Hall Tickets should be produced for inspection on demand by invigilators.
  1. No candidate will be allowed to leave the hall until after the expiry of 30 minutes after the commencement of the examination. 
  1. Candidates are forbidden to ask questions of any kind either to the invigilators or to the fellow candidates when examinations are going on. 
  1. Candidates indulging in any kind of malpractice in the examination hall will be dealt with the rules. 
  1. Disobedience of the instructions of the Chief Superintendent, Additional Chief Superintendent or Invigilators or flouting their authority in any other manner/non observance of any of these instructions will be considered as malpractice.
  1. Any other Violative act of the integrity and proper conduct of examination will be dealt as per the rules.

No communication devices are allowed in the examination hall.