All the activities of this organization will be under Society Registration Act XXI of 1860

  1. NAME: Safa College of Arts and Science Alumni Association (SAFALAM).
  2. ADRESS:Safa College of Arts and Science, Pookkattiri, Edayur PO, Malappuram District, Kerala, PIN: 676552
  3. OFFICE: Ward No.11, Building No. 421, Edayur Grama Panchayath
  6. Bring the old students of Safa College of Arts and Science, Pookkattiri under one forum for exchange of experience, dissemination of knowledge and talents amongst its members
  7. To foster the relationship between the past and present students of the institution.
  8. To promote goodwill and mutual assistance between the members of alumni and the college.
  9. To promote academic excellence in the college by instituting awards, scholarships, prizes, book banks, etc.
  10. To co-operate with the students in literary, cultural and sports activities of the college
  11. To bring out the magazines and souvenirs highlighting the activities of the College and its Alumni
  12. To do everything possible to promote the welfare and development of the college
  13. To carry out such other activities as may be necessary for furthering the of above aims and objectives
  14. All the above activities of this association will be done without profit motive.
  • There shall be six classes of members.
  1. Chief Patron

The chairman of the Institution shall be Chief Patron of the Association.

  1. Patron

The principal shall be Patron of the Association

  1. Teacher Co-Ordinator

A teaching faculty nominated by the principal shall be in charge of Alumni Association

  1. Life Members

Any former student of the College, who as completed at least one academic year in the Safa College of Arts and Science, who pay an entrance subscription not less than Rs.500/- shall be Life Members. Life Members need not pay any annual subscription.

  1. Ordinary Members

Any former student of the College, who as completed at least one academic year in the Safa College of Arts and Science, who pay an amount of Rs.200/- as entrance fee and Rs.100/-as Annual Subscription shall be ordinary members.

  1. Honorary Members

All members of the Teaching Staff of the College shall be Honorary Members of the Association.

  • Patrons and Honorary Members shall enjoy all the privileges of the Association except that of voting in the Annual General Body Meeting.

The membership of any member of this organization will be terminated under the following circumstances

  1. By death or resignations
  2. Failure to pay membership fees and other dues prescribed by the executive committee
  3. Misconduct detrimental to the aims and objectives of the organization
  4. Before taking final decision of clause (b) and clause (c), the concerned member should be given an opportunity of being heard.
  5. The executive committee is empowered to place any member of the organization under suspension of misconduct and can revive or terminate the membership after giving an opportunity of being heard.
  • The affairs of the Association shall be managed by the 17 Members of Executive Committee elected by Annual General Body of the Association
  1. President                       
  2. Two Vice Presidents
  3. General Secretary
  4. Two Joint Secretaries
  5. Treasurer
  6. Seven Executive Members
  7. Patron
  8. Two Ex-Officio Members
  • The Executive Committee shall have the power to constitute Sub Committees to further activities of the Association.
  • The President shall be elected from the former students.
  • The Vice Presidents shall be elected from amongst the former students
  • The Secretaries shall be elected from amongst the former students
  • The Treasurer shall be teacher Co-ordinator of Alumni Association
  • Interim vacancies in the Executive Committee may be filled up by the Executive Committee.
  • The official year of the Association shall be April 1st of one year to the 31st March of the succeeding year, and the Annual subscription is payable in advance.
  • General body means all the members of the association.
  • Annual General Body Meeting of the Association shall be held normally on April or May of every year.
  • At the Annual meeting, reports and accounts of the preceding financial year shall be presented and got approved.
  • The news regarding the meeting shall be released on a week prior to the date of meeting.
  • Each member attending the meeting of the Association shall have one vote.
  1. QUORUM:

The quorum for an Annual General Body Meeting of the Association shall be twenty and for a Meeting of the Executive Committee shall be five including president and secretary.

  • The Executive Committee is responsible for the overall management of the association and will be the custodian of all the assets of the association.
  • The Executive Committee shall meet at least three times in a year.
  • The Executive Committee shall have the power to peruse all the accounts of the association and The Executive Committee shall have the power to frame bye-laws which are not inconsistent with these rules. All bye-laws by the Executive Committee shall be placed before the General Body for approval at the next Annual General Meeting.
  • The Executive Committee shall receive the Subscription and donation/ Contributions against serially machine- numbered receipts with counterfoils to be signed by the Secretary or an Executive Committee member authorized by the Secretary.
  • The annual accounts and budgets shall be prepared by the Executive Committee and it shall be placed for consideration of the Association.
  • The members of the Executive Committee shall render honorary service.
  • The General Body is the supreme authority on all matters of the Association and shall meet at least once in a year. It shall, if needed, verify the accounts and appoint a Chartered Accountant to audit the accounts. It shall receive the annual report and pass it and shall amend the constitution.
  • The decisions of the General Body shall be final and binding in all matters connected with the Association.
  • If a member did not renew the yearly membership consequently three years, he/she will automatically be disqualified.
  • Every qualified member will have a right to attend in the General Body Meeting of Association with voting right.
  • The Executive Committee Meeting shall be convened by the General Secretary at least three times in a year or as often as necessary for the proper discharge of its duties. Income and expenditure statements of the previous months shall be presented by the treasurer in the executive committee and get approved by the executive committee.
  • The President shall have the power to convene special meetings of the executive committee either on his initiative or on the written request of not less than 10 members of the executive committee with specific reasons thereof.
  • Any member of the executive committee who is absent at two consecutive meetings without sufficient reasons shall liable to be removed from the committee. The executive committee may, however, condone such absence for valid reasons.
  1. President
  • The president shall preside over all the meetings of the Association and Executive Committee.
  • The president shall have the power to peruse the accounts and minutes, etc. of the association whenever necessary.
  • The power to dissolve the executive committee and call for election shall be vested with the president.
  • To evaluate the functioning of officials and Association and give necessary suggestions.
  1. Vice President:
  • The Vice president shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or when the President so authorizes.
  • General Secretary:
  • The General Secretary shall be custodian of the records of the association.
  • The Secretary shall receive the applications for membership and place them before the Executive Committee for appropriate action.
  • The General Secretary shall keep the accounts and vouchers regarding receipts and expenditure, shall maintain all registers of the association, shall keep the minutes and proceedings of the Executive Committee and General Body,
  • The General Secretary shall convene the meetings of the Executive Committee and General body, and shall perform all other functions as the Executive Committee may assign to him/ her.
  • The General secretary shall be responsible for implementing the decisions taken by the executive committee or general body. The Secretary shall represent the society wherever needed and in all legal matters.
  • The General secretary shall file the newly elected governing council list before the District Registrar
  1. Joint Secretary:
  • The Joint Secretary shall assist the General  Secretary and shall perform the duties of the Secretary in his/ her absence or when so authorized by the Executive Committee/ Secretary.
  1. Treasurer:
  • Treasurer is responsible for the all the financial accounts of the association
  • Treasurer shall mobilise the funds required for implementing the programmes of the association and for meetings.
  • The members of the executive committee shall assist the treasurer in discharge of the duties when required.
  1. Executive members:
  • Executive members should attend the general body meeting and executive committee meetings.
  • Auditors:
  • The auditors elected from the General Body should audit the financial transactions and books of accounts of the Association.
  • The source of the income of the Association will be Membership Fees, Subscriptions, Donations,
  • The funds of the Association shall be deposited in a Bank account (South Indian Bank, Valanchery) and shall be operated jointly by the Treasurer and the President of the Association.
  • The available funds of the Association shall be exclusively used for achieving the aims and objectives of the Association only.
  • When it becomes necessary to make any amendment in the bylaw, it shall present in the annual general body and have to get three - five (3/5) of the members present in the annual general body. The amendment of bye law will be according to the Clause 12 of Indian Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860.
    The tenure of the executive committee is one year. An Annual General Body meeting shall be convened in any convenient date in the month of April or May every year. General body members will elect the new executive committee. Or a panel of new executive committee may be presented in the Annual General Body and pass it accordingly. Election can be conducted either through secret ballot or by raising hands.
    1. The motion of no-confidence must be supported and signed by 30 members.
    2. A notice prior to minimum of 14 days is required for such a resolution to be moved.
    3. The motion of no-confidence shall be voted. It shall only be passed if 2/3 majority of those present in the meeting.

  1. Bye Law of the Association
  2. Minutes Book
  3. Registration Certificate
  4. Account books
  5. Receipt books
  6. Letter pads
  7. Members Register
  8. Inward and Outward register
  9. Stock register
  10. Bank passbook and Cheque book
  11. Notice book
  12. Ledger
  13. Copy of Annual Return filed before the District Registrar

In case the committee ceases to function or is dissolved for any reason, the rest of assets will be given to other associations working with the same purpose after paying off debts otherwise it will be vested in the state government.

The members should not own the assets and it should not be distributed among the members for whatever reason.

We certify that the above furnished is the original copy of Bye-Law of Safa College of Arts and Science Alumni Association (SAFALAM).

Pookkattiri, Edayur and it is approved by the general body meeting held on September 5, 2021.